Compressors Secrets

Every studio has one, every engineer uses one, and every popular music recording - almost - dating back to the
1950s and beyond has benefited from one. Of all the many and varied types of outboard in the processing and
effects racks, the compressor is surely the one that is most often used, and one that repays its cost of ownership
countless times over during its working life. So I don't need to tell you anything about compressors then? Maybe
not - if there does happen to be anything that you don't know already then you can easily find it in textbooks and
magazine articles that are often aimed more at the beginner than the seasoned pro. However, the compressor is a
many-faceted instrument, and there are a number of tips, tricks and techniques that are not commonly covered in
print. Are these the compressor's secrets, known to the few and hidden from the many? Like the Masked

Magician, I intend to reveal these secrets to the world.